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8.24 Erweiterte Shellfunktionen

Diese Bibliothek enthält spezielle Funktionen, welche nur unter FreeGEM zur Verfügung stehen.

xshl_getshell Gets the name of the desktop
xshl_setshell Sets the name of the desktop

Querverweis: AES

8.24.1 xshl_getshell

Name: »Shell get« - Get the name of the desktop program to use.
AES-Nummer: 1030
Deklaration: int16_t xshel_getshell ( int8_t *shell );
Beschreibung: The call xshl_getshell serves to get the name of the desktop program. shell specifies the buffer to receive the shell filename.
Verfügbar: This call is a compile-time option in recent FreeGEM versions. To check for this feature, use appl_init(xbuf) and check that bit 4 of xbuf.abilities is set (ABLE_XSHL).
Gruppe: Erweiterte Shellfunktionen
Querverweis: Binding   xshl_setshell Bindings für xshl_getshell

C: int16_t xshl_getshell ( int8_t *shell );
int16_t xshl_getshell (int8_t *shell )
   addr_in[0] = shell;

   return ( crys_if(1030) );

Adresse Feldelement Belegung
control control[0] 1030 # Opcode der Funktion
control+2 control[1] 0 # Einträge in int_in
control+4 control[2] 1 # Einträge in int_out
control+6 control[3] 1 # Einträge in addr_in
control+8 control[4] 0 # Einträge in addr_out
addr_in addr_in[0] shell
int_out int_out[0] Return-Wert

8.24.2 xshl_setshell

Name: »Shell set« - Set the name of the desktop program to use.
AES-Nummer: 1031
Deklaration: int16_t xshel_setshell ( int8_t *shell );
Beschreibung: The call xshl_setshell serves to set the name of the desktop program. shell specifies the name of the shell (no path, it must always be in \GEMAPPS\GEMSYS).
Note: A normal GEM program is not suitable for use as a shell, since when it terminates it will be immediately re-run.
Ergebnis: This function returns 0 if the desktop program was set, or 1 if the name was too long (more than 15 characters).
Verfügbar: This call is a compile-time option in recent FreeGEM versions. To check for this feature, use appl_init(xbuf) and check that bit 4 of xbuf.abilities is set (ABLE_XSHL).
Gruppe: Erweiterte Shellfunktionen
Querverweis: Binding   xshl_getshell Bindings für xshl_setshell

C: int16_t xshl_setshell ( int8_t *shell );
int16_t xshl_setshell (int8_t *shell )
   addr_in[0] = shell;

   return ( crys_if(1031) );

Adresse Feldelement Belegung
control control[0] 1031 # Opcode der Funktion
control+2 control[1] 0 # Einträge in int_in
control+4 control[2] 1 # Einträge in int_out
control+6 control[3] 1 # Einträge in addr_in
control+8 control[4] 0 # Einträge in addr_out
addr_in addr_in[0] shell
int_out int_out[0] Return-Wert

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