Assembler: |
; Save registers
movem.l D0-D2/A0-A2,-(A7)
; Pointer parameter block LINEA
move.l pParamblk,A0
; Writing mode in LINEA.wrt_mode
move.w wmode,(36,A0)
; Clip mode in LINEA.clip
move.w mode,(54,A0)
; Top left clip corner, X-coordinate in LINEA.xmn_clip
move.w cx1,(56,A0)
; Top left clip corner, Y-coordinate in LINEA.ymn_clip
move.w cy1,(58,A0)
; Bottom right clip corner, X-coordinate in LINEA.xmx_clip
move.w cx2,(60,A0)
; Bottom right clip corner, Y-coordinate in LINEA.ymx_clip
move.w cy2,(62,A0)
; Put $8000 in xacc_dda
move.w #$8000,(64,A0)
; Scaling factor in LINEA.dda_inc
move.w dda_inc,(66,A0)
; Scaling direction in LINEA.t_sclsts
move.w t_sclsts,(68,A0)
; Proportional font in LINEA.mono_status
move.w mono_status,(70,A0)
; X-coordinate in font in LINEA.sourcex
move.w sourcex,(72,A0)
; Y-coordinate in font in LINEA.sourcey
move.w sourcey,(74,A0)
; X-destination coordinate LINEA.destx
move.w destx,(76,A0)
; Y-destination coordinate in LINEA.desty
move.w desty,(78,A0)
; Width of the character in LINEA.delx
move.w delx,(80,A0)
; Height of the character LINEA.dely
move.w dely,(82,A0)
; Start of font data in LINEA.fbase
move.l fbase,(84,A0)
; Width of the font image in LINEA.fwidth
move.w fwidth,(88,A0)
; Write style in
move.w style,(90,A0)
; Mask for light in LINEA.litemask
move.w litemask,(92,A0)
; Mask for skewed in LINEA.skewmask
move.w skewmask,(94,A0)
; Width for bold in LINEA.weight
move.w weight,(96,A0)
; Skewed offset right in LINEA.r_off
move.w r_off,(98,A0)
; Skewed offset left in LINEA.l_off
move.w l_off,(100,A0)
; VScaling yes/no in LINEA.scale
move.w scale,(102,A0)
; Rotation angle in LINEA.chup
move.w chup,(104,A0)
; Text color LINEA.text_fg
move.w text_fg,(106,A0)
; Buffer in LINEA.scrtchp
move.l scrtchp,(108,A0)
; Index to mid-buffer in LINEA.scrpt2
move.w scrpt2,(112,A0)
; Background color in LINEA.text_bg
move.w text_bg,(114,A0)
; Line-A opcode
dc.w $A008
; Restore registers
movem.l (A7)+,D0-D2/A0-A2