The alternative operating system MagiC has some error-messages that are not present under normal TOS:
When any of these errors occur, they are displayed directly on the screen in capital letters.
See also: GEMDOS error-messages BIOS and XBIOS error-messages
Remedy: Reinstall system, remove hard disk driver, boot from floppy disk, deactivate AUTO-folder.
Remedy: Depending on circumstances.
Cause: The system request to open a file, a directory or a drive partition can not be executed because the internal memory blocks are fully occupied.
Remedy: If the problem does not disappear when one copies ADDMEM two or three times under different names into the AUTO-folder, then the cause is a user program that, for instance, does not close files or folders (missing Fclose or Dclosedir).
Cause: A user program has overwritten an allocated block of memory or a 'foreign' block of memory.
Remedy: The user program can not be used under MagiC. Although it may appear to work under TOS or MultiTOS, its use is risky as the results are indeterminate.
Remedy: Depending on circumstances.
Cause: The system stack of a user program has overflowed.
Remedy: Compared to TOS the stack in MagiC 3 is many times larger, so the cause can only be a program running amok or a defective driver (TSR-program or device driver). Remove faulty programs!