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8.14 Scrap library

This library makes functions available that permit a standardized interchange of data betweeen various applications. The following routines are present for this purpose:

scrp_clear Deletes files in the clipboard
scrp_read Obtains path of the clipboard
scrp_write Sets path of the clipboard
x_scrp_get Obtains path of the clipboard

Note: Besides these functions, some other particulars have to be taken into account for exchanging data via the clipboard.

See also: Messages   SC_CHANGED   SH_WDRAW   Style guidelines

8.14.1 scrp_clear

Name: »Scrap clear« - Delete the contents of the clipboard.
Opcode: 82
Syntax: int16_t scrp_clear ( void );
Beschreibung_ The call scrp_clear deletes all files in the current clipboard.
Warning: Contrary to the usual conventions, really all files will be deleted, not just those matching the mask "scrap.*".
Return value: An error has arisen only if the value 0 is returned.
Availability: The function is available only under PC-GEM, KAOS 1.4.2 and MagiC. Not present in ViewMAX.
Group: Scrap library
See also: Binding   Data exchange via the GEM clipboard Bindings for scrp_clear

C: int16_t scrp_clear ( void );
int16_t scrp_clear (void)
   return ( crys_if(82) );

Address Element Contents
control control[0] 82 # Function opcode
control+2 control[1] 0 # Entry in int_in
control+4 control[2] 1 # Entry in int_out
control+6 control[3] 0 # Entry in addr_in
control+8 control[4] 0 # Entry in addr_out
int_out int_out[0] Return value

8.14.2 scrp_read

Name: »Scrap read« - Obtain pathname of the clipboard.
Opcode: 80
Syntax: int16_t scrp_read ( int8_t *sc_rpscrap );
Description: The call scrp_read obtains the current directory which is being used for temporary storage (the clipboard).
Note: The clipboard directory path will lie in the parameter sc_rpscrap after the call. One must be sure that the receiving buffer is large enough for this.
Return value: An error has arisen only if the value 0 is returned.
To quote Mike Fulton, Atari Computer:
"The scrp_read function is defined as possibly returning an error-code of zero. However, this function currently always returns a value of 1. Since this may change in future versions of GEM AES, applications should handle the case of the error-code even if the programmer does not expect to see it."
As of PC-GEM Version 2.0 however the following values are returned: -1, if no path has been set yet; values >= 0 are to be taken as a bit-vector that is meant to provide information about the found file types. The following assignments apply:

SCRAP_CSV 0x0001 = scrap.csv
SCRAP_TXT 0x0002 = scrap.txt
SCRAP_GEM 0x0004 = scrap.gem
SCRAP_IMG 0x0008 = scrap.img
SCRAP_DCA 0x0010 = scrap.dca
  0x0020 = scrap.dif (see Note)
SCRAP_USR 0x8000 = scrap.usr

All other bits are reserved for future purposes.
Note: According to the docs for PC-GEM, scrap.usr is coded in bit 5, though the AES source text says bit 15.
The library from the book Vom Anfänger zum GEM-Profi allocates bit 5 to DIF files. The extension is unofficial and works only if that library is used for the build.
Availability: All AES versions, not present in ViewMAX.
Group: Scrap library
See also: Binding   scrp_write   Data exchange via the GEM clipboard Bindings for scrp_read

C: int16_t scrp_read ( int8_t *sc_rpscrap );
int16_t scrp_read (int8_t *sc_rpscrap)
   addr_in[0] = sc_rpscrap;
   return ( crys_if(80) );

Address Element Contents
control control[0] 80 # Function opcode
control+2 control[1] 0 # Entry in int_in
control+4 control[2] 1 # Entry in int_out
control+6 control[3] 1 # Entry in addr_in
control+8 control[4] 0 # Entry in addr_out
addr_in addr_in[0] sc_rpscrap
int_out int_out[0] Return value

8.14.3 scrp_write

Name: »Scrap write« - Set path of the clipboard.
Opcode: 81
Syntax: int16_t scrp_write ( int8_t *sc_wpscrap );
Description: The call scrp_write sets the directory that is to be used for temorary storage (the clipboard).
Note: The name of the new path is passed in the parameter sc_wpscrap. The clipboard should carry the name CLIPBRD, and should lie on the boot drive in each case.
Return value: An error has arisen only if the value 0 is returned.
Availability: All AES versions, not present in ViewMAX.
Group: Scrap library
See also: Binding   scrp_read   Data exchange via the GEM clipboard Bindings for scrp_write

C: int16_t scrp_write ( int8_t *sc_wpscrap );
int16_t scrp_write (int8_t *sc_wpscrap)
   addr_in[0] = sc_wpscrap;
   return ( crys_if(81) );

Address Element Contents
control control[0] 81 # Function opcode
control+2 control[1] 0 # Entry in int_in
control+4 control[2] 1 # Entry in int_out
control+6 control[3] 1 # Entry in addr_in
control+8 control[4] 0 # Entry in addr_out
addr_in addr_in[0] sc_wpscrap
int_out int_out[0] Return value

8.14.4 x_scrp_get

Name: »Scrap read« - Obtain pathname of the clipboard.
Opcode: 29024
Syntax: int16_t x_scrp_get( int8_t *path, int16_t delete );
Parameter Meaning
path Pointer to a string which will receive the complete path of the clipboard folder, with a \ at the end.
delete If set, remove all files in the clipboard that match "SCRAP.*".

This function does the chore of determining where the clipboard directory is and, optionally, removing any SCRAP files that are already there.
If the clipboard directory is either unset or points to a bad location, then path will be set to either C:\CLIPBRD\ or, if there is no C: drive, A:\CLIPBRD\. If no CLIPBRD folder exists, then it is created by the function.
int16_t fhand;
int8_t path[120], text[]="Hi there!";

if( x_scrp_get( path, 1 ) )
  strcat( path, "SCRAP.TXT" );
  if( (fhand = Fcreate( path, 0 )) > 0 )
    Fwrite( fhand, sizeof(text), text );
Return value: 0 = Failure
1 = Success
Availability: The function is only available under Geneva since Release 004.
Group: Scrap library
See also: Binding   scrp_write   scrp_read   Data exchange via the GEM clipboard Bindings for x_scrp_get

C: int16_t x_scrp_get( int8_t *path, int16_t delete );
int16_t x_scrp_get( int8_t *path, int16_t delete )
   int_in[0] = delete;

   addr_in[0] = path;


   return ( int_out[0] );

Address Element Contents
control control[0] 29024 # Function opcode
control+2 control[1] 1 # Entry in int_in
control+4 control[2] 1 # Entry in int_out
control+6 control[3] 1 # Entry in addr_in
control+8 control[4] 0 # Entry in addr_out
int_in int_in[0] delete
addr_in addr_in[0] path
int_out int_out[0] Return value

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