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5.17 Network

Fwritev       Write data from multiple buffers
Freadv        Read data into multiple buffers
Fsocket       Create an endpoint for communication
Fsocketpair   Create a pair of connected sockets
Faccept       Accept a connection on a socket
Fconnect      Initiate a connection on a socket
Fbind         Bind a name to a socket
Flisten       Listen for connections on a socket
Frecvmsg      Receive a message from a socket
Fsendmsg      Send a message on a socket
Frecvfrom     Receive a message from a socket
Fsendto       Send a message on a socket
Fsetsockopt   Set options on sockets
Fgetsockopt   Get options on sockets
Fgetpeername  Get name of connected peer socket
Fgetsockname  Get socket name
Fshutdown     Shut down part of a full-duplex connection

See also: Network functions

5.17.1 Fwritev

Name: »file write« - Write data from multiple buffers
Opcode: 347
Syntax: int32_t Fwritev(int16_t handle, struct iovec *iov, int32_t niov);
Return value:
Availability: This function is available as of FreeMiNT 1.16.
Group: Network
See also:

5.17.2 Freadv

Name: »file read« - Read data into multiple buffers
Opcode: 348
Syntax: int32_t Freadv(int16_t handle, struct iovec *iov, int32_t niov);
Return value:
Availability: This function is available as of FreeMiNT 1.16.
Group: Network
See also:

5.17.3 Fsocket

Name: »socket« - Create an endpoint for communication
Opcode: 352
Syntax: int32_t Fsocket(int32_t domain, int32_t type, int32_t protocol);
Return value:
Availability: This function is available as of FreeMiNT 1.16.
Group: Network
See also:

5.17.4 Fsocketpair

Name: »socketpair« - Create a pair of connected sockets
Opcode: 353
Syntax: int32_t Fsocketpair(int32_t domain, int32_t type, int32_t protocol, int16_t fds[2]);
Return value:
Availability: This function is available as of FreeMiNT 1.16.
Group: Network
See also:

5.17.5 Faccept

Name: »accept« - Accept a connection on a socket
Opcode: 354
Syntax: int32_t Faccept(int16_t fd, struct sockaddr *name, uint32_t *anamelen);
Return value:
Availability: This function is available as of FreeMiNT 1.16.
Group: Network
See also:

5.17.6 Fconnect

Name: »connect« - Initiate a connection on a socket
Opcode: 355
Syntax: int32_t Fconnect(int16_t fd, struct sockaddr *name, uint32_t anamelen);
Return value:
Availability: This function is available as of FreeMiNT 1.16.
Group: Network
See also:

5.17.7 Fbind

Name: »bind« - Bind a name to a socket
Opcode: 356
Syntax: int32_t Fbind(int16_t fd, const struct sockaddr *name, uint32_t anamelen);
Return value:
Availability: This function is available as of FreeMiNT 1.16.
Group: Network
See also:

5.17.8 Flisten

Name: »listen« - Listen for connections on a socket
Opcode: 357
Syntax: int32_t Flisten(int16_t fd, int32_t backlog);
Return value:
Availability: This function is available as of FreeMiNT 1.16.
Group: Network
See also:

5.17.9 Frecvmsg

Name: »recvmsg« - Receive a message from a socket
Opcode: 358
Syntax: int32_t Frecvmsg(int16_t fd, struct msghdr *msg, int32_t flags);
Return value:
Availability: This function is available as of FreeMiNT 1.16.
Group: Network
See also:

5.17.10 Fsendmsg

Name: »sendmsg« - Send a message on a socket
Opcode: 359
Syntax: int32_t Fsendmsg(int16_t fd, const struct msghdr *msg, int32_t flags);
Return value:
Availability: This function is available as of FreeMiNT 1.16.
Group: Network
See also:

5.17.11 Frecvfrom

Name: »recvfrom« - Receive a message from a socket
Opcode: 360
Syntax: int32_t Frecvfrom(int16_t fd, void *buf, int32_t buflen, int32_t flags, struct sockaddr *to, uint32_t *addrlen);
Return value:
Availability: This function is available as of FreeMiNT 1.16.
Group: Network
See also:

5.17.12 Fsendto

Name: »sendto« - Send a message on a socket
Opcode: 361
Syntax: int32_t Fsendto(int16_t fd, const void *buf, int32_t buflen, int32_t flags, const struct sockaddr *to, uint32_t addrlen);
Return value:
Availability: This function is available as of FreeMiNT 1.16.
Group: Network
See also:

5.17.13 Fsetsockopt

Name: »setsockopt« - Set options on sockets
Opcode: 362
Syntax: int32_t Fsetsockopt(int16_t fd, int32_t level, int32_t name, const void *val, uint32_t valsize);
Return value:
Availability: This function is available as of FreeMiNT 1.16.
Group: Network
See also:

5.17.14 Fgetsockopt

Name: »getsockopt« - Get options on sockets
Opcode: 363
Syntax: int32_t Fgetsockopt(int16_t fd, int32_t level, int32_t name, void *val, uint32_t *valsize);
Return value:
Availability: This function is available as of FreeMiNT 1.16.
Group: Network
See also:

5.17.15 Fgetpeername

Name: »getpeername« - Get name of connected peer socket
Opcode: 364
Syntax: int32_t Fgetpeername(int16_t fd, struct sockaddr *asa, uint32_t *alen);
Return value:
Availability: This function is available as of FreeMiNT 1.16.
Group: Network
See also:

5.17.16 Fgetsockname

Name: »getsockname« - Get socket name
Opcode: 365
Syntax: int32_t Fgetsockname(int16_t fd, struct sockaddr *asa, uint32_t *alen);
Return value:
Availability: This function is available as of FreeMiNT 1.16.
Group: Network
See also:

5.17.17 Fshutdown

Name: »shutdown« - Shut down part of a full-duplex connection
Opcode: 366
Syntax: int32_t Fshutdown(int16_t fd, int32_t how);
Return value:
Availability: This function is available as of FreeMiNT 1.16.
Group: Network
See also:

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