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 The Sparemint Cross Compiling Environment

Here are the ready to install cross compiler packages for i386 Linux. With this cross compiler you are able to compile and link your FreeMiNT programs on a fast i386 Linux machine.

The packages are in the widely used RPM format. The cross compiler has been tested under RedHat 7.0/8.0 and Suse 7.1. The rpms don't work under Suse 7.0.

If it work under other Linux distributions too please tell it me.

Cross compiling the freemint kernel is now very easy. Get the neccessary RPM packages, install them, get the freemint cvs repository (see the cvs page) and just type:

> make CROSS=yes
to compile all things.

That's it, have fun.

Look here for all available packages.
Look here for ftp download.

The mintbin package include various FreeMiNT specific tools (like stack and flags):

The binutils package include the assembler, linker and other object manipulation tools:

The gcc packages include the several available compilers from the GNU Compiler Collection:

The MiNTLib packages include the runtime libs (libc) for the GCC compiler:

The gemlibs packages include the neccessary gemlibs you need if you want to compile the current freemint cvs tree:

And finally the source RPM packages:

Copyright © 2003 Frank Naumann. All rights reserved.