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bus_to_virt Convert PCI bus to virtual address
fast_read_config_byte Read configuration byte fast
fast_read_config_longword Read configuration longword fast
fast_read_config_word Read configuration word fast
fast_read_io_byte Read IO byte fast
fast_read_io_longword Read IO longword fast
fast_read_io_word Read IO word fast
fast_read_mem_byte Read memory byte fast
fast_read_mem_longword Read memory longword fast
fast_read_mem_word Read memory word fast
find_pci_classcode Find PCI class code
find_pci_device Find PCI device
get_card_used Get card used flag
get_machine_id Get machine ID
get_pagesize Get pagesize
get_resource Get resource Data
get_routing Get interrupt routing options
hook_interrupt Hook interrupt vector
phys_to_virt Convert physical CPU to virtual address
read_config_byte Read configuration byte
read_config_longword Read configuration longword
read_config_word Read configuration word
read_io_byte Read IO byte
read_io_longword Read IO longword
read_io_word Read IO word
read_mem_byte Read memory byte
read_mem_longword Read memory longword
read_mem_word Read memory word
set_card_used Set card used flag
set_interrupt Set hardware interrupt
special_cycle Generates special cycle
unhook_interrupt Unhook interrupt vector
virt_to_bus Convert virtual to PCI bus address
virt_to_phys Convert virtual to physical CPU address
write_config_byte Write configuration byte
write_config_longword Write configuration longword
write_config_word Write configuration word
write_io_byte Write IO byte
write_io_longword Write IO longword
write_io_word Write IO word
write_mem_byte Write memory byte
write_mem_longword Write memory longword
write_mem_word Write memory word

See also: PCI-BIOS Error codes   Cookie _PCI   Cookie XPCI

4.17.1 bus_to_virt

Name: »Bus to virtual« - Convert PCI bus to virtual address
Opcode: 340
Syntax: int32_t bus_to_virt (int32_t handle, uint32_t address, uint32_t *pointer);
Description: This function converts from PCI bus addresses to virtual addresses (as the CPU uses them). This is necessary since the memory may be mapped non-linear by the PMMU even when not using virtual memory (it is on the MILAN).
It is required that a resource (ie. a region of memory or IO space on a PCI card) is mapped contiguously, so that a simple offset can be used when copying to/from memory on a PCI card.
This function might be limited to TOS or TOS-like operating systems. If an operating system uses a different memory layout, it may need to provide its own functions which drivers can use.
When using this function, the driver does not need to care about DMA offsets at all.
handle Device handle
address PCI bus address
pointer Pointer to mem-struct for results

Note: This function is the reverse of virt_to_bus. It might be slow, so the driver should avoid using it if it can determine the address by other means.
Return value: PCI-BIOS Error codes. If successful, mem-struct is filled as follows:
uint32_t CPU (virtual) address
uint32_t length of contiguous mapped area
Availability: PCI-BIOS
See also: Binding   get_pagesize   phys_to_virt   virt_to_bus   virt_to_phys Bindings for bus_to_virt

C: #include <tos.h>
int32_t bus_to_virt (int32_t handle, uint32_t address, uint32_t *pointer);
pea       pointer       ; Offset 10
move.l    address,-(sp) ; Offset 6
move.l    handle,-(sp)  ; Offset 2
move.w    #340,-(sp)    ; Offset 0
trap      #14           ; Call XBIOS
lea       14(sp),sp     ; Correct stack

4.17.2 fast_read_config_byte

Name: »Read configuration byte fast«
Opcode: 305
Syntax: int8_t fast_read_config_byte (int32_t handle, uint8_t reg);
Description: This function reads data from the PCI configuration space of a given card. It does only minimal error checking and is meant to be used only when access to configuration space is needed in interrupt handlers.
handle device handle
reg Register number (0,1,2,... for byte access)
Return value:
Availability: PCI-BIOS 2.0
See also: Binding   read_config_byte   read_config_word   fast_read_config_word   read_config_longword   fast_read_config_longword Bindings for fast_read_config_byte

C: #include <tos.h>
int8_t fast_read_config_byte (int32_t handle, uint8_t reg);
move.w    reg,-(sp)     ; Offset 6
move.l    handle,-(sp)  ; Offset 2
move.w    #305,-(sp)    ; Offset 0
trap      #14           ; Call XBIOS
addq.l    #8,sp         ; Correct stack

4.17.3 fast_read_config_longword

Name: »Read configuration longword fast«
Opcode: 307
Syntax: int32_t fast_read_config_longword (int32_t handle, uint8_t reg);
Description: This function reads data from the PCI configuration space of a given card. It does only minimal error checking and is meant to be used only when access to configuration space is needed in interrupt handlers.
handle Device handle
reg Register number (0,4,8,... for longword access)
Return value:
Availability: PCI-BIOS
See also: Binding   read_config_byte   fast_read_config_byte   read_config_word   fast_read_config_word   read_config_longword Bindings for fast_read_config_longword

C: #include <tos.h>
int32_t fast_read_config_longword (int32_t handle, uint8_t reg);
move.w    reg,-(sp)     ; Offset 6
move.l    handle,-(sp)  ; Offset 2
move.w    #307,-(sp)    ; Offset 0
trap      #14           ; Call XBIOS
addq.l    #8,sp         ; Correct stack

4.17.4 fast_read_config_word

Name: »Read configuration word fast«
Opcode: 306
Syntax: int16_t fast_read_config_word (int32_t handle, uint8_t reg);
Description: This function reads data from the PCI configuration space of a given card. It does only minimal error checking and is meant to be used only when access to configuration space is needed in interrupt handlers.
handle Device handle
reg Register number (0,2,4,... for Word access)
Return value:
Availability: PCI-BIOS
See also: Binding   read_config_byte   fast_read_config_byte   read_config_word   read_config_longword   fast_read_config_longword Bindings for fast_read_config_word

C: #include <tos.h>
int16_t fast_read_config_word (int32_t handle, uint8_t reg);
move.w    reg,-(sp)     ; Offset 6
move.l    handle,-(sp)  ; Offset 2
move.w    #306,-(sp)    ; Offset 0
trap      #14           ; Call XBIOS
addq.l    #8,sp         ; Correct stack

4.17.5 fast_read_io_byte

Name: »Read IO byte fast«
Opcode: 331
Syntax: uint8_t fast_read_io_byte (int32_t handle, uint32_t offset);
Description: This function is alternative for the normal IO read function. It returns the read value in D0 and returns no error code, which makes it easier to use in C.
handle Device handle
offset Address to access (in PCI IO address space)
Return value: Read data.
Availability: PCI-BIOS
See also: Binding   read_io_byte   read_io_word   fast_read_io_word   read_io_longword   fast_read_io_longword Bindings for fast_read_io_byte

C: #include <tos.h>
uint8_t fast_read_io_byte (int32_t handle, uint32_t offset);
move.l    offset,-(sp)  ; Offset 6
move.l    handle,-(sp)  ; Offset 2
move.w    #331,-(sp)    ; Offset 0
trap      #14           ; Call XBIOS
lea       10(sp),sp     ; Correct stack

4.17.6 fast_read_io_longword

Name: »Read IO longword fast«
Opcode: 333
Syntax: uint32_t fast_read_io_longword (int32_t handle, uint32_t offset);
Description: This function is alternative for the normal IO read function. It returns the read value in D0 and returns no error code, which makes it easier to use in C.
handle Device handle
offset Address to access (in PCI IO address space)
Return value: Read data.
Availability: PCI-BIOS
See also: Binding   read_io_byte   fast_read_io_byte   read_io_word   fast_read_io_word   read_io_longword Bindings for fast_read_io_longword

C: #include <tos.h>
uint32_t fast_read_io_longword (int32_t handle, uint32_t offset);
move.l    offset,-(sp)  ; Offset 6
move.l    handle,-(sp)  ; Offset 2
move.w    #333,-(sp)    ; Offset 0
trap      #14           ; Call XBIOS
lea       10(sp),sp     ; Correct stack

4.17.7 fast_read_io_word

Name: »Read IO word fast«
Opcode: 332
Syntax: uint16_t fast_read_io_word (int32_t handle, uint32_t offset);
Description: This function is alternative for the normal IO read function. It returns the read value in D0 and returns no error code, which makes it easier to use in C.
handle Device handle
offset Address to access (in PCI IO address space)
Return value: Read data.
Availability: PCI-BIOS
See also: Binding   read_io_byte   fast_read_io_byte   read_io_word   read_io_longword   fast_read_io_longword Bindings for fast_read_io_word

C: #include <tos.h>
uint16_t fast_read_io_word (int32_t handle, uint32_t offset);
move.l    offset,-(sp)  ; Offset 6
move.l    handle,-(sp)  ; Offset 2
move.w    #332,-(sp)    ; Offset 0
trap      #14           ; Call XBIOS
lea       10(sp),sp     ; Correct stack

4.17.8 fast_read_mem_byte

Name: »Read memory byte fast«
Opcode: 322
Syntax: uint8_t fast_read_mem_byte (int32_t handle, uint32_t offset);
Description: This function is alternative for the normal memory read function. It returns the read value in D0 and returns no error code, which makes it easier to use in C.
handle Device handle
offset Address to access (in PCI memory address space)
Return value: Read data.
Availability: PCI-BIOS
See also: Binding   read_mem_byte   read_mem_word   fast_read_mem_word   read_mem_longword   fast_read_mem_longword Bindings for fast_read_mem_byte

C: #include <tos.h>
uint8_t fast_read_mem_byte (int32_t handle, uint32_t offset);
move.l    offset,-(sp)  ; Offset 6
move.l    handle,-(sp)  ; Offset 2
move.w    #322,-(sp)    ; Offset 0
trap      #14           ; Call XBIOS
lea       10(sp),sp     ; Correct stack

4.17.9 fast_read_mem_longword

Name: »Read memory longword fast«
Opcode: 324
Syntax: uint32_t fast_read_mem_longword (int32_t handle, uint32_t offset);
Description: This function is alternative for the normal memory read function. It returns the read value in D0 and returns no error code, which makes it easier to use in C.
handle Device handle
offset Address to access (in PCI memory address space)
Return value: Read data.
Availability: PCI-BIOS
See also: Binding   read_mem_byte   fast_read_mem_byte   read_mem_word   fast_read_mem_word   read_mem_longword Bindings for fast_read_mem_longword

C: #include <tos.h>
uint32_t fast_read_mem_longword (int32_t handle, uint32_t offset);
move.l    offset,-(sp)  ; Offset 6
move.l    handle,-(sp)  ; Offset 2
move.w    #324,-(sp)    ; Offset 0
trap      #14           ; Call XBIOS
lea       10(sp),sp     ; Correct stack

4.17.10 fast_read_mem_word

Name: »Read memory word fast«
Opcode: 323
Syntax: uint16_t fast_read_mem_word (int32_t handle, uint32_t offset);
Description: This function is alternative for the normal memory read function. It returns the read value in D0 and returns no error code, which makes it easier to use in C.
handle Device handle
offset Address to access (in PCI memory address space)
Return value: Read data.
Availability: PCI-BIOS
See also: Binding   read_mem_byte   fast_read_mem_byte   read_mem_word   read_mem_longword   fast_read_mem_longword Bindings for fast_read_mem_word

C: #include <tos.h>
uint16_t fast_read_mem_word (int32_t handle, uint32_t offset);
move.l    offset,-(sp)  ; Offset 6
move.l    handle,-(sp)  ; Offset 2
move.w    #323,-(sp)    ; Offset 0
trap      #14           ; Call XBIOS
lea       10(sp),sp     ; Correct stack

4.17.11 find_pci_classcode

Name: »find_pci_classcode« - Returns a device handle for a device that matches the given class code.
Opcode: 301
Syntax: int32_t find_pci_classcode( int32_t classcode, int16_t index );
Description: This functions returns a device handle for a device that matches the given class code.
A driver can query multiple devices with the same class code by starting with index = 0,1,2,... and calling this function until PCI_DEVICE_NOT_FOUND is returned.
classcode class code in bits 23..0

Bit 23 ..16 Base class (0 - $FF)
Bit 15 .. 8 Sub class (0 - $FF)
Bit 7 .. 0 Programming Interface (0 - $FF)
Mask in bits 26..24
Bit 26: (0: compare base class, 1: ignore it)
Bit 25: (0: compare sub class, 1: ignore it)
Bit 24: (0: compare Progr. Interface, 1: ignore it)
index index of card (0 - number of cards with these IDs)
Return value: Device handle for a device or PCI_DEVICE_NOT_FOUND.
Availability: PCI-BIOS V2.00
See also: Binding   find_pci_device Bindings for find_pci_classcode

C: #include <tos.h>
int32_t find_pci_classcode( int32_t classcode, int16_t index );
move.w    index,-(sp)       ; Offset 6
move.l    classcode,-(sp)   ; Offset 2
move.w    #301,-(sp)        ; Offset 0
trap      #14               ; Call XBIOS
addq.l    #8,sp             ; Correct stack

4.17.12 find_pci_device

Name: »find_pci_device« - Returns a device handle for a device that matches the given device and vendor ID.
Opcode: 300
Syntax: int32_t find_pci_device( int32_t id, int16_t index);
Description: This functions returns a device handle for a device that matches the given device and vendor ID. A driver can query multiple devices with the same device and vendor ID by starting with index = 0,1,2,... and calling this function until PCI_DEVICE_NOT_FOUND is returned.
As a special case, Vendor ID $FFFF can be used to query all cards found in the system, the specified Device ID is ignored in that case.
id Device ID in bits 31..16 (0 - $FFFF)
Vendor ID in bits 15..0 (0 - $FFFE)
index Index of card (0 - number of cards with these IDs)
Return value: Device handle for a device or PCI_DEVICE_NOT_FOUND.
Availability: PCI-BIOS V2.00
See also: Binding   find_pci_classcode Bindings for find_pci_device

C: #include <tos.h>
int32_t find_pci_device( int32_t id, int16_t index);
move.w    index,-(sp)  ; Offset 6
move.l    id,-(sp)     ; Offset 2
move.w    #300,-(sp)   ; Offset 0
trap      #14          ; Call XBIOS
addq.l    #8,sp        ; Correct stack

4.17.13 get_card_used

Name: »Get card used flag«
Opcode: 317
Syntax: int32_t get_card_used (int32_t handle, uint32_t *address);
Description: This function is used to manage which card is in use by which driver. A driver can provide a means by which a call-back function can be called from another driver to deactivate this driver. This is necessary for the first driver to unhook from interrupt chains etc., before the new driver can take over.
The returned status is either 0 (the card is free), 1 (the card is in use), 2 (the card is in use, but the driver can be uninstalled) or 3 (the card is in use, but can be taken over without further actions).
Case 3 means that the driver which brought the card to this state may not hook into interrupt chains or other system resources which need to be unhooked when another driver takes over the card.
If the return code is 2, the call-back function entry of the driver is returned in the memory pointer to by address.
handle Device handle
address Pointer to longword where call-back address is stored

Call-back handlers: Call-back functions are invoked by calling the call-back entry point, they return with RTS. Call-back functions may only modify those registers which are used to pass arguments or results. Call-back functions must be called in supervisor mode with at least 1024 bytes stack available. The call-back function number is passed in D0.L. If the driver supports call-back functions, the following functions are mandatory:
Call-back Description
Get Driver ID (0) call_back0:
Input: D0.L = call-back function number, ie. 0
Output: D0.L = driver ID (same as the driver's XBRA ID)
Try to remove driver (1) call_back1:
Input: D0.L = call-back function number, ie. 1
Output: D0.L = result code: 0=success (card is free), 1=can't uninstall
Return value: PCI-BIOS Error codes
Availability: PCI-BIOS
See also: Binding   set_card_used Bindings for get_card_used

C: #include <tos.h>
int32_t get_card_used (int32_t handle, uint32_t *address);
pea       address       ; Offset 6
move.l    handle,-(sp)  ; Offset 2
move.w    #317,-(sp)    ; Offset 0
trap      #14           ; Call XBIOS
lea       10(sp),sp     ; Correct stack

4.17.14 get_machine_id

Name: »Get Machine ID«
Opcode: 337
Syntax: int32_t get_machine_id ( void );
Description: This function can be used to get a unique machine ID for the computer the driver is running on.
Return value: Machine ID, or 0 (no ID available), PCI-BIOS error-codes
Positive, non-zero values are machine IDs. They contain a manufacturer code in bit 24..31 and a unique serial number which is set by the manufacturer during production in bit 0..23.
The following manufacturer codes are defined:

0 Medusa/Hades
1 Milan
2 PAK/Panther 2
3 ARAnyM
Availability: PCI-BIOS
See also: Binding Bindings for get_machine_id

C: #include <tos.h>
int32_t get_machine_id ( void );
move.w    #337,-(sp)    ; Offset 0
trap      #14           ; Call XBIOS
addq.l    #2,sp         ; Correct stack

4.17.15 get_pagesize

Name: »Get Pagesize«
Opcode: 338
Syntax: int32_t get_pagesize ( void );
Description: This function can be used to get the active pagesize.
Return value: Active pagesize, or 0 (paging is not active), PCI-BIOS error-codes
Availability: PCI-BIOS
See also: Binding Bindings for get_pagesize

C: #include <tos.h>
int32_t get_pagesize ( void );
move.w    #338,-(sp)    ; Offset 0
trap      #14           ; Call XBIOS
addq.l    #2,sp         ; Correct stack

4.17.16 get_resource

Name: »Get Resource Data«
Opcode: 316
Syntax: int32_t get_resource ( int32_t handle );
handle Device handle
Return value: Pointer to array of resource descriptors or PCI-BIOS error-codes.
Availability: PCI-BIOS
See also: Binding Bindings for get_resource

C: #include <tos.h>
int32_t get_resource ( int32_t handle );
move.l    handle,-(sp)  ; Offset 2
move.w    #316,-(sp)    ; Offset 0
trap      #14           ; Call XBIOS
addq.l    #6,sp         ; Correct stack

4.17.17 get_routing

Name: »Get Interrupt Routing Options«
Opcode: 314
Syntax: int32_t get_routing ( int32_t handle );
Description: To be defined. Not for use by device drivers.
Return value: PCI-BIOS error-codes
Availability: PCI-BIOS
See also: Binding Bindings for get_routing

C: #include <tos.h>
int32_t get_routing ( int32_t handle );
move.l    handle,-(sp)    ; Offset 2
move.w    #314,-(sp)      ; Offset 0
trap      #14             ; Call XBIOS
addq.l    #6,sp           ; Correct stack

4.17.18 hook_interrupt

Name: »Hook Interrupt Vector«
Opcode: 311
Syntax: int32_t hook_interrupt (int32_t handle, uint32_t *routine, uint32_t *parameter);
Description: This function hooks the driver into the interrupt chain to which a specific interrupt on the given card is routed. The interrupt is enabled on the system level, however, it is the drivers responsibility to enable the interrupt on the card as needed.
The driver should first hook into the interrupt chain, and then enable the interrupt on the card, in order not to cause spurious interrupts.
handle Device handle
routine Pointer to interrupt handler
parameter Parameter for interrupt handler
The parameter is passed to the interrupt handler unmodified - its meaning is totally driver dependent.
Return value: PCI-BIOS Error codes
Availability: PCI-BIOS
See also: Binding   unhook_interrupt Bindings for hook_interrupt

C: #include <tos.h>
int32_t hook_interrupt (int32_t handle, uint32_t *routine, uint32_t *parameter);
move.l    parameter,-(sp) ; Offset 10
move.l    routine,-(sp)   ; Offset 6
move.l    handle,-(sp)    ; Offset 2
move.w    #311,-(sp)      ; Offset 0
trap      #14             ; Call XBIOS
lea       14(sp),sp       ; Correct stack

4.17.19 phys_to_virt

Name: »Physical to virtual« - Convert physical CPU to virtual address
Opcode: 342
Syntax: int32_t phys_to_virt (uint32_t address, uint32_t *pointer);
Description: This function converts from physical CPU addresses to virtual addresses. This is necessary since the memory may be mapped non-linear by the PMMU even when not using virtual memory (it is on the MILAN).
It does not depend on a special device, thus it does not get a device handle.
This function might be limited to TOS or TOS-like operating systems. If an operating system uses a different memory layout, it may need to provide its own functions which drivers can use.
When using this function, the driver does not need to care about DMA offsets at all.
address Physical CPU address
pointer Pointer to mem-struct for results

Note: This function is the reverse of virt_to_phys. It might be slow, so the driver should avoid using it if it can determine the address by other means.
Return value: PCI-BIOS Error codes. If successful, mem-struct is filled as follows:
uint32_t CPU (virtual) address
uint32_t length of contiguous mapped area
Availability: PCI-BIOS
See also: Binding   bus_to_virt   get_pagesize   virt_to_bus   virt_to_phys Bindings for phys_to_virt

C: #include <tos.h>
int32_t phys_to_virt (uint32_t address, uint32_t *pointer);
pea       pointer       ; Offset 6
move.l    address,-(sp) ; Offset 2
move.w    #342,-(sp)    ; Offset 0
trap      #14           ; Call XBIOS
lea       10(sp),sp     ; Correct stack

4.17.20 read_config_byte

Name: »Read configuration byte«
Opcode: 302
Syntax: int32_t read_config_byte (int32_t handle, uint8_t reg, uint8_t *address);
Description: This function read data from the PCI configuration space of a given card.
handle Device handle
reg Register number (0,1,2,... for Byte access)
address Pointer to space for read data
Return value: PCI-BIOS Error codes
Availability: PCI-BIOS
See also: Binding   fast_read_config_byte   read_config_word   fast_read_config_word   read_config_longword   fast_read_config_longword Bindings for read_config_byte

C: #include <tos.h>
int32_t fast_read_config_byte (int32_t handle, uint8_t reg, uint8_t *address);
pea       address       ; Offset 8
move.w    reg,-(sp)     ; Offset 6
move.l    handle,-(sp)  ; Offset 2
move.w    #302,-(sp)    ; Offset 0
trap      #14           ; Call XBIOS
lea       12(sp),sp     ; Correct stack

4.17.21 read_config_longword

Name: »Read configuration longword«
Opcode: 304
Syntax: int32_t read_config_longword (int32_t handle, uint8_t reg, uint32_t *address);
Description: This function read data from the PCI configuration space of a given card.
handle Device handle
reg Register number (0,4,8,... for Longword access)
address Pointer to space for read data
Return value: PCI-BIOS Error codes
Availability: PCI-BIOS
See also: Binding   read_config_byte   fast_read_config_byte   read_config_word   fast_read_config_word   fast_read_config_longword Bindings for read_config_longword

C: #include <tos.h>
int32_t read_config_longword (int32_t handle, uint8_t reg, uint32_t *address);
pea       address       ; Offset 8
move.w    reg,-(sp)     ; Offset 6
move.l    handle,-(sp)  ; Offset 2
move.w    #304,-(sp)    ; Offset 0
trap      #14           ; Call XBIOS
lea       12(sp),sp     ; Correct stack

4.17.22 read_config_word

Name: »Read configuration word«
Opcode: 303
Syntax: int32_t read_config_word (int32_t handle, uint8_t reg, uint16_t *address);
Description: This function read data from the PCI configuration space of a given card.
handle Device handle of the selected PCI device
reg Address of the configuration register
address Pointer to space for read data
Return value: PCI-BIOS Error codes
Availability: PCI-BIOS
See also: Binding   read_config_byte   fast_read_config_byte   fast_read_config_word   read_config_longword   fast_read_config_longword Bindings for read_config_word

C: #include <tos.h>
int32_t read_config_word (int32_t handle, uint8_t reg, uint16_t *address);
pea       address       ; Offset 8
move.w    reg,-(sp)     ; Offset 6
move.l    handle,-(sp)  ; Offset 2
move.w    #303,-(sp)    ; Offset 0
trap      #14           ; Call XBIOS
lea       12(sp),sp     ; Correct stack

4.17.23 read_io_byte

Name: »Read IO byte«
Opcode: 328
Syntax: int32_t read_io_byte (int32_t handle, uint32_t offset, uint8_t *address);
Description: This function reads 8-bit values from a IO region.
handle Device handle
offset Address to access (in PCI IO address space)
address Pointer to data in memory
Return value: PCI-BIOS Error codes
Availability: PCI-BIOS
See also: Binding   fast_read_io_byte   read_io_word   fast_read_io_word   read_io_longword   fast_read_io_longword Bindings for read_io_byte

C: #include <tos.h>
int32_t read_io_byte (int32_t handle, uint32_t offset, uint8_t *address);
pea       address       ; Offset 10
move.l    offset,-(sp)  ; Offset 6
move.l    handle,-(sp)  ; Offset 2
move.w    #328,-(sp)    ; Offset 0
trap      #14           ; Call XBIOS
lea       14(sp),sp     ; Correct stack

4.17.24 read_io_longword

Name: »Read IO longword«
Opcode: 330
Syntax: int32_t read_io_longword (int32_t handle, uint32_t offset, uint32_t *address);
Description: This function reads 32-bit values from a IO region and take care of the byte ordering - ie. the data and address are converted as if Motorola byte ordering was in use.
handle Device handle
offset Address to access (in PCI IO address space)
address Pointer to data in memory
Return value: PCI-BIOS Error codes.
Availability: PCI-BIOS
See also: Binding   read_io_byte   fast_read_io_byte   read_io_word   fast_read_io_word   fast_read_io_longword Bindings for read_io_longword

C: #include <tos.h>
int32_t read_io_longword (int32_t handle, uint32_t offset, uint32_t *address);
pea       address       ; Offset 10
move.l    offset,-(sp)  ; Offset 6
move.l    handle,-(sp)  ; Offset 2
move.w    #330,-(sp)    ; Offset 0
trap      #14           ; Call XBIOS
lea       14(sp),sp     ; Correct stack

4.17.25 read_io_word

Name: »Read IO word«
Opcode: 329
Syntax: int32_t read_io_word (int32_t handle, uint32_t offset, uint16_t *address);
Description: This function reads 16-bit values from a IO region and take care of the byte ordering - ie. the data and address are converted as if Motorola byte ordering was in use.
handle Device handle
offset Address to access (in PCI IO address space)
address Pointer to data in memory
Return value: PCI-BIOS Error codes.
Availability: PCI-BIOS
See also: Binding   read_io_byte   fast_read_io_byte   fast_read_io_word   read_io_longword   fast_read_io_longword Bindings for read_io_word

C: #include <tos.h>
int32_t read_io_word (int32_t handle, uint32_t offset, uint16_t *address);
pea       address       ; Offset 10
move.l    offset,-(sp)  ; Offset 6
move.l    handle,-(sp)  ; Offset 2
move.w    #329,-(sp)    ; Offset 0
trap      #14           ; Call XBIOS
lea       14(sp),sp     ; Correct stack

4.17.26 read_mem_byte

Name: »Read memory byte«
Opcode: 319
Syntax: int32_t read_mem_byte (int32_t handle, uint32_t offset, uint8_t *address);
Description: This function reads 8-bit values from a memory region. A driver can use this function for access to registers and small buffers. For larger amounts of data, the driver can choose to use his own copy routines.
handle Device handle
offset Address to access (in PCI memory address space)
address Pointer to data in memory
Return value: PCI-BIOS Error codes. If successful, read data at buffer pointed to by address.
Availability: PCI-BIOS
See also: Binding   fast_read_mem_byte   read_mem_word   fast_read_mem_word   read_mem_longword   fast_read_mem_longword Bindings for read_mem_byte

C: #include <tos.h>
int32_t read_mem_byte (int32_t handle, uint32_t offset, uint8_t *address);
pea       address       ; Offset 10
move.l    offset,-(sp)  ; Offset 6
move.l    handle,-(sp)  ; Offset 2
move.w    #319,-(sp)    ; Offset 0
trap      #14           ; Call XBIOS
lea       14(sp),sp     ; Correct stack

4.17.27 read_mem_longword

Name: »Read memory longword«
Opcode: 321
Syntax: int32_t read_mem_longword (int32_t handle, uint32_t offset, uint32_t *address);
Description: This function reads 32-bit values from a memory region and take care of the byte ordering - ie. the data and address are converted as if Motorola byte ordering was in use. A driver can use this function for access to registers and small buffers. For larger amounts of data, the driver can choose to use his own copy routines, provided it knows the byte order in use.
handle Device handle
offset Address to access (in PCI memory address space)
address Pointer to data in memory
Return value: PCI-BIOS Error codes. If successful, read data at buffer pointed to by address.
Availability: PCI-BIOS
See also: Binding   read_mem_byte   fast_read_mem_byte   read_mem_word   fast_read_mem_word   fast_read_mem_longword Bindings for read_mem_longword

C: #include <tos.h>
int32_t read_mem_longword (int32_t handle, uint32_t offset, uint32_t *address);
pea       address       ; Offset 10
move.l    offset,-(sp)  ; Offset 6
move.l    handle,-(sp)  ; Offset 2
move.w    #321,-(sp)    ; Offset 0
trap      #14           ; Call XBIOS
lea       14(sp),sp     ; Correct stack

4.17.28 read_mem_word

Name: »Read memory word«
Opcode: 320
Syntax: int32_t read_mem_word (int32_t handle, uint32_t offset, uint16_t *address);
Description: This function reads 16-bit values from a memory region and take care of the byte ordering - ie. the data and address are converted as if Motorola byte ordering was in use. A driver can use this function for access to registers and small buffers. For larger amounts of data, the driver can choose to use his own copy routines, provided it knows the byte order in use.
handle Device handle
offset Address to access (in PCI memory address space)
address Pointer to data in memory
Return value: PCI-BIOS Error codes. If successful, read data at buffer pointed to by address.
Availability: PCI-BIOS
See also: Binding   read_mem_byte   fast_read_mem_byte   fast_read_mem_word   read_mem_longword   fast_read_mem_longword Bindings for read_mem_word

C: #include <tos.h>
int32_t read_mem_word (int32_t handle, uint32_t offset, uint16_t *address);
pea       address       ; Offset 10
move.l    offset,-(sp)  ; Offset 6
move.l    handle,-(sp)  ; Offset 2
move.w    #320,-(sp)    ; Offset 0
trap      #14           ; Call XBIOS
lea       14(sp),sp     ; Correct stack

4.17.29 set_card_used

Name: »Set card used flag«
Opcode: 318
Syntax: int32_t set_card_used (int32_t handle, uint32_t *callback);
Description: This function is used to manage which card is in use by which driver. A driver can provide a means by which a call-back function can be called from another driver to deactivate this driver. This is necessary for the first driver to unhook from interrupt chains etc., before the new driver can take over.
If the call-back entry is 0L, 1L or 3L, the card status is set to that value. Only a driver which 'owns' the card may use this. If any other value is passed, it is assumed to be a pointer to the drivers call back entry point, and the card status is set to 2 (in use, can be uninstalled).
handle Device handle
callback Address of call-back entry (not pointer to address!) or 0L, 1L or 3L

Call-back handlers: Call-back functions are invoked by calling the call-back entry point, they return with RTS. Call-back functions may only modify those registers which are used to pass arguments or results. Call-back functions must be called in supervisor mode with at least 1024 bytes stack available. The call-back function number is passed in D0.L. If the driver supports call-back functions, the following functions are mandatory:
Call-back Description
Get Driver ID (0) call_back0:
Input: D0.L = call-back function number, ie. 0
Output: D0.L = driver ID (same as the driver's XBRA ID)
Try to remove driver (1) call_back1:
Input: D0.L = call-back function number, ie. 1
Output: D0.L = result code: 0=success (card is free), 1=can't uninstall
Return value: PCI-BIOS Error codes
Availability: PCI-BIOS
See also: Binding   get_card_used Bindings for set_card_used

C: #include <tos.h>
int32_t set_card_used (int32_t handle, uint32_t *callback);
pea       callback      ; Offset 6
move.l    handle,-(sp)  ; Offset 2
move.w    #318,-(sp)    ; Offset 0
trap      #14           ; Call XBIOS
lea       10(sp),sp     ; Correct stack

4.17.30 set_interrupt

Name: »Set Hardware Interrupt«
Opcode: 315
Syntax: int32_t set_interrupt ( int32_t handle );
Description: To be defined. Not for use by device drivers.
Return value: PCI-BIOS Error codes
Availability: PCI-BIOS
See also: Binding Bindings for set_interrupt

C: #include <tos.h>
int32_t set_interrupt ( int32_t handle );
move.l    handle,-(sp)    ; Offset 2
move.w    #315,-(sp)      ; Offset 0
trap      #14             ; Call XBIOS
addq.l    #6,sp           ; Correct stack

4.17.31 special_cycle

Name: »Generates special cycle«
Opcode: 313
Syntax: int32_t special_cycle ( unit8_t bus, uint32_t data );
Description: This function generates a special cycle on the PCI bus.
handle Bus number
data Cspecial cycle data
Return value: PCI-BIOS Error codes
Availability: PCI-BIOS
See also: Binding Bindings for special_cycle

C: #include <tos.h>
int32_t special_cycle ( unit8_t bus, uint32_t data );
move.l    data,-(sp)    ; Offset 4
move.w    bus,-(sp)     ; Offset 2
move.w    #313,-(sp)    ; Offset 0
trap      #14           ; Call XBIOS
addq.l    #8,sp         ; Correct stack

4.17.32 unhook_interrupt

Name: » «
Opcode: 312
Syntax: int32_t unhook_interrupt (int32_t handle);
Description: This function removes the driver from the interrupt chain to which a specific interrupt on the given card is routed. The driver must turn off interrupt generation on the card before calling this function.
handle Device handle
Return value: PCI-BIOS Error codes
Availability: PCI-BIOS
See also: Binding   hook_interrupt Bindings for unhook_interrupt

C: #include <tos.h>
int32_t unhook_interrupt (int32_t handle);
move.l    handle,-(sp)  ; Offset 2
move.w    #312,-(sp)    ; Offset 0
trap      #14           ; Call XBIOS
addq.l    #6,sp         ; Correct stack

4.17.33 virt_to_bus

Name: »Virtual to bus« - Convert virtual to PCI bus address
Opcode: 339
Syntax: int32_t virt_to_bus (int32_t handle, uint32_t address, uint32_t *pointer);
Description: This function converts from virtual addresses (as the CPU uses them) to PCI bus addresses. This is necessary since the memory may be mapped non-linear by the PMMU even when not using virtual memory (it is on the MILAN).
It is required that a resource (ie. a region of memory or IO space on a PCI card) is mapped contiguously, so that a simple offset can be used when copying to/from memory on a PCI card.
This function might be limited to TOS or TOS-like operating systems. If an operating system uses a different memory layout, it may need to provide its own functions which drivers can use.
When using this function, the driver does not need to care about DMA offsets at all.
handle Device handle
address Address in virtual CPU space
pointer Pointer to mem-struct for results
Return value: PCI-BIOS Error codes. If successful, mem-struct is filled as follows:
uint32_t PCI bus address
uint32_t length of contiguous mapped area, 0 if no DMA is possible at this address
Availability: PCI-BIOS
See also: Binding   bus_to_virt   get_pagesize   phys_to_virt   virt_to_phys Bindings for virt_to_bus

C: #include <tos.h>
int32_t virt_to_bus (int32_t handle, uint32_t address, uint32_t *pointer);
pea       pointer       ; Offset 10
move.l    address,-(sp) ; Offset 6
move.l    handle,-(sp)  ; Offset 2
move.w    #339,-(sp)    ; Offset 0
trap      #14           ; Call XBIOS
lea       14(sp),sp     ; Correct stack

4.17.34 virt_to_phys

Name: »Virtual to physical« - Convert virtual to physical CPU address
Opcode: 341
Syntax: int32_t virt_to_phys (uint32_t address, uint32_t *pointer);
Description: This function converts from virtual addresses to physical CPU addresses. This is necessary since the memory may be mapped non-linear by the PMMU even when not using virtual memory (it is on the MILAN).
It does not depend on a special device, thus it does not get a device handle.
This function might be limited to TOS or TOS-like operating systems. If an operating system uses a different memory layout, it may need to provide its own functions which drivers can use.
When using this function, the driver does not need to care about DMA offsets at all.
address Address in virtual CPU space
pointer Pointer to mem-struct for results
Return value: PCI-BIOS Error codes. If successful, mem-struct is filled as follows:
uint32_t physical CPU address
uint32_t length of contiguous mapped area, 0 if not mapped
Availability: PCI-BIOS
See also: Binding   bus_to_virt   get_pagesize   phys_to_virt   virt_to_bus Bindings for virt_to_phys

C: #include <tos.h>
int32_t virt_to_phys (uint32_t address, uint32_t *pointer);
pea       pointer       ; Offset 6
move.l    address,-(sp) ; Offset 2
move.w    #341,-(sp)    ; Offset 0
trap      #14           ; Call XBIOS
lea       10(sp),sp     ; Correct stack

4.17.35 write_config_byte

Name: »Write configuration byte«
Opcode: 308
Syntax: int32_t write_config_byte (int32_t handle, uint8_t reg, uint8_t val);
Description: This function writes data to the PCI configuration space of a given card.
The data is in little endian format, as described in the PCI specification.
handle Device handle
reg Register number (0,1,2,... for byte access)
val Data to write (8 bits)
Return value:
Availability: PCI-BIOS
See also: Binding   write_config_word   write_config_longword   read_config_byte   read_config_word   read_config_longword Bindings for write_config_byte

C: #include <tos.h>
int32_t write_config_byte (int32_t handle, uint8_t reg, uint8_t val);
move.w    val,-(sp)     ; Offset 8
move.w    reg,-(sp)     ; Offset 6
move.l    handle,-(sp)  ; Offset 2
move.w    #308,-(sp)    ; Offset 0
trap      #14           ; Call XBIOS
lea       10(sp),sp     ; Correct stack

4.17.36 write_config_longword

Name: »Write configuration longword«
Opcode: 310
Syntax: int32_t write_config_longword (int32_t handle, uint8_t reg, uint32_t val);
Description: This function writes data to the PCI configuration space of a given card.
The data is in little endian format, as described in the PCI specification.
handle Device handle
reg Register number (0,4,8,... for Longword access)
val Data to write (32 bits)
Return value:
Availability: PCI-BIOS
See also: Binding   write_config_byte   write_config_word   read_config_byte   read_config_word   read_config_longword Bindings for write_config_longword

C: #include <tos.h>
int32_t write_config_longword (int32_t handle, uint8_t reg, uint32_t val);
move.l    val,-(sp)     ; Offset 8
move.w    reg,-(sp)     ; Offset 6
move.l    handle,-(sp)  ; Offset 2
move.w    #310,-(sp)    ; Offset 0
trap      #14           ; Call XBIOS
lea       12(sp),sp     ; Stack korrigieren

4.17.37 write_config_word

Name: »Write configuration word«
Opcode: 309
Syntax: int32_t write_config_word (int32_t handle, uint8_t reg, uint16_t val);
Description: This function writes data to the PCI configuration space of a given card.
The data is in little endian format, as described in the PCI specification.
handle Device handle
reg Register number (0,2,4,... for Word access)
val Data to write (16 bits)
Return value:
Availability: PCI-BIOS
See also: Binding   write_config_byte   write_config_longword   read_config_byte   read_config_word   read_config_longword Bindings for write_config_word

C: #include <tos.h>
int32_t write_config_word (int32_t handle, uint8_t reg, uint16_t val);
move.w    val,-(sp)     ; Offset 8
move.w    reg,-(sp)     ; Offset 6
move.l    handle,-(sp)  ; Offset 2
move.w    #309,-(sp)    ; Offset 0
trap      #14           ; Call XBIOS
lea       10(sp),sp     ; Correct stack

4.17.38 write_io_byte

Name: »Write IO byte«
Opcode: 334
Syntax: int32_t write_io_byte (int32_t handle, uint32_t offset, uint8_t val);
Description: This function writes 8-bit values to a IO region.
handle Device handle
offset Address to access (in PCI IO address space)
val Data to write (8 bits)
Return value: PCI-BIOS Error codes
Availability: PCI-BIOS
See also: Binding   write_io_word   write_io_longword   read_io_byte   read_io_word   read_io_longword Bindings for write_io_byte

C: #include <tos.h>
int32_t write_io_byte (int32_t handle, uint32_t offset, uint8_t val);
move.w    val,-(sp)     ; Offset 10
move.l    offset,-(sp)  ; Offset 6
move.l    handle,-(sp)  ; Offset 2
move.w    #334,-(sp)    ; Offset 0
trap      #14           ; Call XBIOS
lea       12(sp),sp     ; Correct stack

4.17.39 write_io_longword

Name: »Write IO longword«
Opcode: 336
Syntax: int32_t write_io_longword (int32_t handle, uint32_t offset, uint32_t val);
Description: This function writes 32-bit values to a IO region and take care of the byte ordering - ie. the data and address are converted as if Motorola byte ordering was in use.
handle Device handle
offset Address to access (in PCI IO address space)
val Data to write (32 bits)
Return value: PCI-BIOS Error codes
Availability: PCI-BIOS
See also: Binding   write_io_byte   write_io_word   read_io_byte   read_io_word   read_io_longword Bindings for write_io_longword

C: #include <tos.h>
int32_t write_io_longword (int32_t handle, uint32_t offset, uint32_t val);
move.l    val,-(sp)     ; Offset 10
move.l    offset,-(sp)  ; Offset 6
move.l    handle,-(sp)  ; Offset 2
move.w    #336,-(sp)    ; Offset 0
trap      #14           ; Call XBIOS
lea       14(sp),sp     ; Correct stack

4.17.40 write_io_word

Name: »Write IO word«
Opcode: 335
Syntax: int32_t write_io_word (int32_t handle, uint32_t offset, uint16_t val);
Description: This function writes 16-bit values to a IO region and take care of the byte ordering - ie. the data and address are converted as if Motorola byte ordering was in use.
handle Device handle
offset Address to access (in PCI IO address space)
val Data to write (16 bits)
Return value: PCI-BIOS Error codes
Availability: PCI-BIOS
See also: Binding   write_io_byte   write_io_longword   read_io_byte   read_io_word   read_io_longword Bindings for write_io_word

C: #include <tos.h>
int32_t write_io_word (int32_t handle, uint32_t offset, uint16_t val);
move.w    val,-(sp)     ; Offset 10
move.l    offset,-(sp)  ; Offset 6
move.l    handle,-(sp)  ; Offset 2
move.w    #335,-(sp)    ; Offset 0
trap      #14           ; Call XBIOS
lea       12(sp),sp     ; Correct stack

4.17.41 write_mem_byte

Name: »Write memory byte«
Opcode: 325
Syntax: int32_t write_mem_byte (int32_t handle, uint32_t offset, uint8_t val);
Description: This function writes 8-bit values to a memory region. A driver can use this function for access to registers and small buffers. For larger amounts of data, the driver can choose to use his own copy routines.
handle Device handle
offset Address to access (in PCI memory address space)
val Data to write (8 bits)
Return value: PCI-BIOS Error codes
Availability: PCI-BIOS
See also: Binding   write_mem_word   write_mem_longword   read_mem_byte   read_mem_word   read_mem_longword Bindings for write_mem_byte

C: #include <tos.h>
int32_t write_mem_byte (int32_t handle, uint32_t offset, uint8_t val);
move.w    val,-(sp)     ; Offset 10
move.l    offset,-(sp)  ; Offset 6
move.l    handle,-(sp)  ; Offset 2
move.w    #325,-(sp)    ; Offset 0
trap      #14           ; Call XBIOS
lea       12(sp),sp     ; Correct stack

4.17.42 write_mem_longword

Name: »Write memory longword«
Opcode: 327
Syntax: int32_t write_mem_longword (int32_t handle, uint32_t offset, uint32_t val);
Description: This function writes 32-bit values to a memory region and take care of the byte ordering - ie. the data and address are converted as if Motorola byte ordering was in use. A driver can use this function for access to registers and small buffers. For larger amounts of data, the driver can choose to use his own copy routines, provided it knows the byte order in use.
handle Device handle
offset Address to access (in PCI memory address space)
val Data to write (32 bits)
Return value: PCI-BIOS Error codes
Availability: PCI-BIOS
See also: Binding   write_mem_byte   write_mem_word   read_mem_byte   read_mem_word   read_mem_longword Bindings for write_mem_longword

C: #include <tos.h>
int32_t write_mem_longword (int32_t handle, uint32_t offset, uint32_t val);
move.l    val,-(sp)     ; Offset 10
move.l    offset,-(sp)  ; Offset 6
move.l    handle,-(sp)  ; Offset 2
move.w    #327,-(sp)    ; Offset 0
trap      #14           ; Call XBIOS
lea       14(sp),sp     ; Correct stack

4.17.43 write_mem_word

Name: »Write memory word«
Opcode: 326
Syntax: int32_t write_mem_word (int32_t handle, uint32_t offset, uint16_t val);
Description: This function writes 16-bit values to a memory region and take care of the byte ordering - ie. the data and address are converted as if Motorola byte ordering was in use. A driver can use this function for access to registers and small buffers. For larger amounts of data, the driver can choose to use his own copy routines, provided it knows the byte order in use.
handle Device handle
offset Address to access (in PCI memory address space)
val Data to write (16 bits)
Return value: PCI-BIOS Error codes
Availability: PCI-BIOS
See also: Binding   write_mem_byte   write_mem_longword   read_mem_byte   read_mem_word   read_mem_longword Bindings for write_mem_word

C: #include <tos.h>
int32_t write_mem_word (int32_t handle, uint32_t offset, uint16_t val);
move.w    val,-(sp)     ; Offset 10
move.l    offset,-(sp)  ; Offset 6
move.l    handle,-(sp)  ; Offset 2
move.w    #326,-(sp)    ; Offset 0
trap      #14           ; Call XBIOS
lea       12(sp),sp     ; Correct stack

4.17.44 PCI-BIOS Error codes

The following error codes can be returned by the PCI BIOS functions:


The following error codes are not returned by PCI BIOS functions directly, but are reserved for use by a library which uses these routines.


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